Imagine you could walk a quarter of a mile, wait ten minutes, then get on a train that would connect you with any major shopping center or office building within fifty miles. It would cost you $2.50 to take the ride and it would take 24 minutes to arrive at your location. On the way home you could take the same ride, anytime up until 12:30 AM.
Your children could take the train to after school events, friend's houses and practice sessions. You would not have to drive them everywhere after school and on weekends. They would learn independence and responsibility. They would figure out how to negotiate the wider world, become less introverted and screen obsessed, learn to be polite to strangers, help old ladies of face the stares of other passengers.
Imagine you did not have to own two cars.
Here is a web site that shows you how its done
Light rail--we are not talking about graffiti covered intimidation, rather a world full of smooth efficient reliable modern transportation.
All we need to do is build a few less aircraft carriers.
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