Germans Beyond Europe
The Penn State Press announces the expanded scope
of its Max Kade Research Institute Series, edited by A. Gregg Roeber and Daniel
Purdy. This series is an outlet for scholarship that examines the history and
culture of German-speaking communities across the globe, from the early modern
period to the start of the First World War. The series remains dedicated to
publishing scholarship with a focus on German-American networks, and it
welcomes the addition of scholarship on German speakers out- side of Europe,
whose movements were influenced by migration trends, colonization, war,
research, religious missions, trade, and other forces. Editors seek scholarship
that explores the historical and cultural depictions of the international
networks that connected these communities and the linguistic relations between
German and other languages. Books in this series will expand our understanding
of the German-speaking diaspora and the worldwide influence of these historic
global networks.
Series editors seek manuscripts that examine topics
such as German participation in international trade and exploration; the
history of German Orientalism; the history of nineteenth-century German
colonialism; the transplantation of German culture outside of Europe—to the
Americas and elsewhere; anthropological accounts of non-European cultures;
Northern European involvement in the slave trade; and the intellectual history
of cosmopolitan theory.
Submissions should take the form of a 3–5 page
proposal outlining the intent of the project, its scope, its relation to other
work on the topic, and the audiences you have in mind. Please include 1–2
sample chapters, if possible, and your current C.V.
Please send proposals to
Daniel Purdy
Department of German
406 Burrowes
Penn State University,
University Park, PA 16802