What a charming young man Bo Burnham is. He cleverly wants to assert his boyishness by invoking Hitler. His song riffs on the familiar analogy that infants are tyrants and then takes it to the extreme. In the end, all this song reveals is a young man's fear of parenting. In other words, he worries that he will lose his independence to the demands of a child. Couple this with a juvenile sense of humor that relishes saying the unspeakable. By babbling on rudely about Hitler and the Jews, the singer further demonstrates his infantile state of mind, his inability to take anything seriously. "Look how goofy I am. I can even make jokes about the Holocaust. Clearly I am not ready to be a father." Just hope his girlfriend is not Jewish.
I know, I should lighten up, but I can't--I am a German professor.
Many thanks to Daniel Magilow for winding me up.