The most fearsome plague has descended upon us: another public radio fund drive. But this time don't just cave in. Don’t let the guilt trip take a bite our of you, don't automatically surrender to the threat that if you don't pay up, all you will have left is Rush Limbaugh and Christian rock on the dial.
Put your diva on, get a little radical—tell the whiners what you think, really think of their performance, all year round. How many times have you said you cannot stand one more "This I believe" segment. The national broadcast gave it up months ago, but here in Happy Valley we continue to be smothered with sentimental clichés.
Are you worried that Christine Allen's voice is not squeaky enough? You want to hear a women with an even higher pitch? One that will send dogs howling?
Do you think the folk show should be even goofier?
We live in a small town, there aren't that many people writing checks, you can have some influence. Maybe add a little heft to this tepid public radio station called WPSU.